How to Become Rich in Your 30s


Apart from having a steady source of income, being financially buoyant requires intentional efforts to achieve. 

Though it is permissible to ignore savings and investments in your 20s, it is important to note that the actions taken in the 20s determine how solid the foundation for the 30s is. 

Even though much is not talked about concerning financial security as a college student or a job seeker, it is quite helpful to grasp the rudiments for becoming rich by the time you turn 30:

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing with you how you can be rich in your 30s. 

  1. Start saving in your 20s

The ants are historically referred to as wise. They are organized and resourceful. Knowing how weak they could be in the face of unfavorable weather conditions, the ants strive to put away food and other items necessary for their survival following the days of adversity. 

The essence of saving money is to have enough money you can put together to start a business or invest, which are the two ways by which you can make a lot of money. 

If you’re not disciplined enough to save money in your 20s, you cannot be rich in your 30s.

  1. Stay away from debts

To become rich, you have to close up the mouths of debts. Taking a loan with a high-interest rate is a guarantee to run into being in debt if one defaults to pay back as and when due. 

This boils down to what one purposes to use a loan for: will it be for a financially gainful business, or to buy a house? 

It is not wrong to borrow to get a living residence. Nonetheless, a house could be a liability when there are no other plans to stay buoyant after paying the bank or worse still, when there is no other source of income to get money from to repay the debt incurred. 

Using your credit card to fund a frivolous lifestyle, such as partying every other day, can heavily attract debts that are very difficult to clear. 

As much as life is fun to live, being carefree toward responsible living does not only make one poor, it also humiliates the place of honor.

  1. Have multiple streams of income

It is socially acceptable to hold a 9 to 5 job that promises rewarding retirement benefits. 

That notwithstanding, unless you are consciously working toward being the chief executive officer of the firm, you cannot be rich on a monthly salary or compensation alone; you need to create another source of income. 

Investing is a passive source of income. Nowadays, the internet has become an endless hub of opportunities for money-making, even for the busiest people in the world. 

Blogging, graphics design, sales marketing, writing, Vlogging, advertising, and virtual assistance have proved to be the enigma of income-yielding part-time jobs. Many have pursued their spare time hobbies and gotten rich in return.

  1. Network with successful people

It is known that Bill Gates got the idea to build Microsoft when he read a magazine he took from a friend. Networking meaningfully does more than give you a job. 

It also spurs you to be successful in order to stay relevant. 

Networking with people is not done strictly during reunions or high-profile gatherings; it can be done virtually by joining groups that mirror your thoughts, life pursuits, and career advancements. 

Such places provide immense opportunities and advice that can propel one to better heights. Remember also that when you teach or render words of advice that build another up, you also help yourself to work on becoming better.

  1. Fine-tune your desire to invest your money

When investment is mentioned, one could immediately start thinking of hundreds of thousands of dollars committed to real estate or in stock trading. 

Such thoughts are quite false and limiting. Lots of money is not needed to make investments. The real estate or stock trading domains are not the only avenues to expect a financial return with respect to investments. 

Committing money you can call your spare change into micro-investing apps, have been designed to make investing fun, simple, and easy to do. 

Investing in a low-cost index fund is highly recommended for individuals who have little or no knowledge about the stock market and the competition in it, and for those who cannot pay professionals to actively manage their funds. Over time, the seemingly little spare changes will accumulate into huge financial gains.

You can invest in your skills, and get a rewarding outcome from it. Spending time to take on new courses in your area of expertise, or delving into an entirely different career, can bring about a remarkable improvement in the quality of your earnings.

  1. Start a business 

A business is an asset that can be a monumental investment. It is also beneficial to the unemployed in society.

Venturing into starting a business can be very, very, intimidating, coupled with the daily news that emerges on the ill-fated ones which were promising from the beginning. 

Money asides, a business requires hard work, diligence, and foresight to be established. 

You must have a passion and a good amount of dedication to successfully float a business. Essentially, possessing the right knowledge supported by the inputs of professionals in that chosen area makes for a profound startup and improvement. 

To run an ideally successful business, you must hire personnel who are willing to run with your vision; they must be trained on the job, you must learn to trust their capabilities, and should ensure you develop a system that rewards excellence and that which checks excesses in employees.

  1. Learn to take “No” from people, in good faith

There are times when you strongly believe that everyone in his right mind should see ideas the same way you do. You know you have got all it takes to solve difficult problems which others fail to acknowledge. 

The business proposals and presentations ended up being snubbed by people who you hold in high esteem. You are tempted to assume that the universe has conspired with humans to run you down. Pause for a moment. 

Sometimes, the vehement “No!” from people could be a savior to you. Rejections from those who you believe in are a tool for self-appraisal and for idea reinvention. It could also mean they are not yet ready for a revolution. 

Keep pursuing that idea and do all it takes to back it up with actions. When you take Nos to heart, you may end up severing relationship ties that could serve you well in the future. It is a sign of maturity to still smile and joke with a person who does not see eye to eye with you, business-wise.

It is achievable to be rich in your 30s. You must be able to invest your money, save, stay away from debts, have multiple streams of income, network with successful people, start a business, and learn to take rejections with a good heart.  

As T. Harv Eker said, “Rich people are committed to being rich, poor people want to be rich”. It is not enough to desire to be rich in your 30s; it is required that you become committed to actions to become rich.


Thank you.

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